... are daughters of two of the men that have been in jail since 28/08/19. Photo : Giulia Vuillermoz
In August 2018, the people of Guapinol began to organise protests to stop the mining company’s activities. ...
Kleber Sanchez - La Republica
The Criminal Court of Appeals of Puno confirmed a sentence of 6 years in prison against the regional governor Walter Aduviri and the payment of civil reparations for S/2 ...
... people.
In the last five years alone, more than 50 Garífuna men and women have been killed; 30 have been jailed and 32 have a court order, prosecuted for the alleged usurpation of their own ancestral ...
... introduced himself as follows:
“I’m Jeremias & I’m 64 years old. I’m a father and a member of a peasant enterprise of the Unified Peasant Movement of Aguan (MUCA). I have been in jail since December ...
... for the protests, until he was jailed in 2019, a year after being elected governor of Puno.
Aduviri, a supporter of Bolivian President Evo Morales, was released from prison this past December through ...
... murder with impunity.
In Indonesia, indigenous farmers Dilik Bin Asap and land rights activist James Watt are now jailed for harvesting fruits from a plantation company that has encroached on their lands. ...
... a small low-income community on the country’s north coast, could also soon be sent to jail.
The massive open pit mine, owned by one of the country’s most powerful couples, was sanctioned without community ...
... in jail for defending the Guapinol and San Pedro Rivers, for defending life,” says the 26-year-old, who has become the public face of her father’s plight. Before his arrest, Mr. Sorto led the family ministry ...
... de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, or ANDA) have been present since the mid-1990s. Carlos Perla, president of ANDA from 1994 to 2002, for example, just finished serving a 15-year jail sentence for corruption. ...
... in pretrial jail for almost a year without ever having a solid legal reasoning as to why. A year ago this week, the defenders voluntarily appeared before the National Court to clarify their legal situation ...
... the government of U.S., is saying nothing about that. Everybody knows about the brother of the president, the actual president. He’s here in jail. The name of the president of Honduras is involved in bad ...
... official Vicente Ollagon, and indigenous Lumad leader Datu Jomorito Goaynon are at great risk of contracting COVID-19 because of the country’s atrocious jail conditions.
In the Philippines, human rights ...
... and water," Tabora warns. Visits, however, have been suspended due to the health crisis, leaving activists jailed at the mercy of prison authorities.
*Translatated from: https://www.dw.com/es/diputados-alemanes-reclaman-justicia-para-activistas-medioambientales-hondure%C3%B1os/a-53118557 ...
... the government repeatedly signed off on the project despite protests from the Xinka indigenous community.
Over the next several years, Environmental Justice Atlas said, protestors were hurt, jailed and ...
... All of the suspects in his murder have some link to the company, but the case remains open and no one is in jail.
“We didn’t bury Mariano, we planted him and we continue the fight,” remarked Gustavo Castro ...
... to illicit association against the Honduran state. These charges carry excessive jail terms under anti-terrorism laws.
After the legal defense team pointed to numerous inconsistencies in the evidence ...
... go to jail, my son is not a thief, he is not corrupt, he is not a murderer,” he said, lamenting the great hardships that this process has brought on his entire family.
Also present was Patricio Illacutipa ...
... Chavez, Vice President of Pacific Rim El Salvador while the murders took place, was jailed for killing and dismembering a municipal employee, but despite the circumstantial evidence against him, he was ...
... took place and currently in jail for the dismemberment of a municipal employee, must be investigated as a possible intellectual author of the crimes” the statement reads.
Chavez is the son of a known ...
Frustration around the Latest Ruling in the Cases of Violence towards Environmental Leaders
Wednesday April 11, six members of the 18th Street gang were sentenced to between 30 and 145 years in jail ...