Photo Story by Grace Draper






Getting ready for our event- lots of tabling, coffee-drinking, and of course, conversation

 At 7pm, Ross White from Cadboro Bay United Church welcomes everyone. 









Then the first of two local groups (Mining Justice Action Committee and FMLN Victoria) make 2 minute presentations about their groups and how they connect with Vidalina's story. 




P1040004Vidalina, with Nedjo translating, began to tell her story and why she was on this tour. 

Half way through her presentation, two more local groups present: Central American Support Committee and KAIROS Victoria/United Church of Canada.

 Then it was back to Vidalina's presentation...

 As we passed around the collection plates, the last two local groups, Council of Canadians and Amnesty International Group 27, spoke for a few minutes about the work they were doing on mining justice.


Our MC then turned things over to Glenys Verhulst who handled the Q&A portion of the evening. 

And then it was time to wrap things up.  A grateful crowd thanked Vidalina and Nedjo. We learned that the 125 people who came out to this event had contributed over $800 towards the critical work of La Mesa. Well-done!

Thank you, Vidalina, for coming to Victoria and helping us make the connections.  We are all one...Safe journey!